Our spaces have been carefully thought out and made for the children. Spaces are modified based on the interests of the children who are leaders in their own learning. We have fantastic grounds with plenty of room to play, get messy, create, explore, learn and grow!
"Our learning environments are creative spaces which have been carefully designed to ensure the rights and interests of the children are met."

- Cherie
BRN Managing Director
Our warm and inviting spaces provide a safe and secure learning environment for each and every child. Designated areas are created to learn mathematics, literacy, science, sensory all through fun and engaging play! Children also have the option to go to their classroom's quiet area to read a book, listen to a story, sit with friends, have some "me" time or simply reflect on their day.

Natural Resources
At British Rose Nursery, we believe in bringing the outside-in! We provide the use of natural open-ended materials that encourages children to communicate through the hundred languages creating endless opportunities to imagine and learn.
Sensory Room
A relaxing, invigorating space sparking imagination, heightening senses and curiosity to visualise, touch and listen

Music and Movement Room
We have a large dedicated space just music and movement allowing children the freedom to dance and express themselves as well as a space for yoga and gym play building upon their motor skills.

Splash Zone
Cool off on a warm Dubai day in our fantastic splash zone area! Play with friends, jump around and the most fun of all...get wet!
"Our outdoor areas are an extension of the classroom providing plenty of space and opportunities to explore and play."
Outdoor Spaces
Our wonderful outdoor spaces are an extensions of our classrooms which hosts a curiosity garden full of areas to keep busy, climbing frames, a large sand play area, bike area and our fun splash zone area! Every day there is something to explore and do in our outdoor spaces.